Dr. John Lund has his Masters in Interactional Analysis, which leads us to today’s topic: interpersonal communication.  Listen as they discuss learning how to deal with the negative in a relationship, communicating your expectations and discovering the love languages.

Dr. John L. Lund is an interesting mix of a serious academic with a unique sense of humor. He is often quoted “You either married your greatest test in life or you gave birth to it or you may find your biggest test when you look into the mirror.” Dr. Lund has published in two different fields of research. Improving human relationships is one field and religion is the other. His book on How to Hug a Porcupine: Dealing With Toxic and Difficult to Love Personalities has been widely accepted as a “must read.” It is about those impossible to please people in all of our lives. Bosses, co-workers, employees, and in-laws who become outlaws can make up the world of toxic people. It is especially difficult when the toxic person is a spouse or child. Dr. Lund’s research in interpersonal communication and author identification studies required the equivalent of a doctoral minor in statistics. A significant part of that research involved identifying patterns of speech and differences in how men and women communicate. In 1972 Brigham Young University awarded him the degree of Doctor of Education.

Dr. Lund’s recent book on religion is titled Joseph Smith and the Geography of the Book of Mormon (2012). It is a companion book to the Mesoamerica and the Book of Mormon: Is This The Place? (2007) Drawing upon his expertise in author identification, Dr. Lund researched editorials ascribed to Joseph Smith in an early LDS Church newspaper called the Times and Seasons. A Comprehensive Author Identification Study revealed that Joseph Smith did indeed author the editorials which identified Guatemala as the Book of Mormon land of Zarahemla and the Isthmus of Tehuantepec as the “small or narrow” neck of land spoken of in the Book of Mormon.

Dr. Lund’s work has taken him on a forty year journey where he has taught as adjunct faculty at major universities throughout Washington, Idaho, California and Utah. Dr. Lund has lectured in twenty-seven foreign countries in both fields of interpersonal communication and on world religions.

Because of his research in interpersonal relationships and communication, Dr. Lund has been able to serve both the business world as a consultant in “Improving Communications” and the private sector as a family counselor. In Idaho he was licensed as a Marriage and Family Therapist. For five years he served in the State of Washington as a court appointed “Family Court Commissioner” and retired as a counselor when he moved to Utah. In Utah he serves the 3rd and 5th District Courts as an Alternative Dispute Resolution Provider for both business and domestic relationships. He holds three certifications as an Arbitrator, a Mediator, and a Negotiator.

Personal Links:

Website: http://drlund.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Drjohnlund